Established over 50 years ago in Auburn, New York.

Finger Lakes Ski Club Membership
Existing members may renew their membership for October 2024 through September 2025 by paying the yearly membership fee.
New members are welcome! Complete and submit a membership application, and pay the membership fee via PayPal.
$21 — Individual membership
$32 — Couple / Family
Your FLSC membership card can save you money whenever you ski or board!!!
Bring a photo ID and your FLSC membership card to take advantage of the savings...
Song Mountain/Labrador
8 hour lift tickets: $63
Night ticket: $38
Thursdays: $53 blackout date: 2/20/25
All with Photo ID and Membership Card
Greek Peak
8 hour lift ticket = $92 or
buy a 3-day pass for $230 ($77/day)
Monday nights - $28
Tuesdays all day - $48
GP now cashless – must have online account
See Info below on how to sign-up
Snow Ridge
Lift ticket prices for ski club members - $35
any day, with membership card


Finger Lakes Ski Club is a member of the New Jersey Ski Council and the Eastern PA Ski Council, both parts of the National Ski Council Federation.
The New Jersey Ski & Snowboard Council and Eastern PA Ski Council offer their many members an opportunity to obtain discounted lift tickets from many ski areas, go on Council ski trips at discounted group rates, as well as participate in “Council Ski Days” at various Northeast mountains. The program is administered through the individual clubs; Finger Lakes Ski Club is an “associate” member. The program is for use by club members and their families only. Just show your FLSC membership card with the NJSSC and EPSC stickers on the back at the ticket windows of the ski resorts listed and receive discounted rates on specific Council and Club dates. Through our partnership with the Onondaga Ski Club, it is also possible to pre-order discounted lift tickets in advance for some resorts for any date. Check out and anytime for all the latest info!