Finger Lakes Ski Club Newsletters

Finger Lakes Ski Club’s Snowflake newsletter is sent 12 times a year to any member who is interested in receiving it. The newsletter is free electronically, but for $15 per year, we will send you a paper copy via the US postal service.  Select you preference when purchasing your membership.

2024 Newsletters

2023 Newsletters


Free Classified Ads:
Paid FLSC members only, may advertise for sale or rent in the Snowflake monthly newsletter.  The item information must be written up in paragraph form or a word document flier with a limit of 25 words. Pictures may be included and used at the discretion of the newsletter editor.  Ads will be published up to three months. Depending on space availability, the ad may be posted to the FLSC website and/or Facebook page. All items sold or rented must be owned by the FLSC member. Ads are limited to one ad per paid member per month.  Submit your classified ads to for approval before the 25th of each month to be included in the next month’s Snowflake newsletter.